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  Public Ticket #2705939
Special Characters like ş ğ i ü


  • webareca started the conversation

    Hi There, 

    There are some problems showing the special characters like ş, i, ğ  at my website. When I log-in, the problem disappears but if you are visitor at my website the characters are not proper. 

    I've added <meta charset="utf-8" /> to my <head> section to solve problem but it doesn't work.

    Could you please help me to solve?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I checked, you're using SG Optimize plugin, can you please try:

    1/ Clear all the cache from SG Optimize plugin and check it again on anonymous browsers to get correct results.

    2/ If it still doesn't work, please try disabling the minify HTML and CSS from SG Optimize plugin and check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • webareca replied

    Hi There, 

    I've tried both but problem still continues. 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your WordPress site admin URL and admin account ( username and password  ) - in a PRIVATE REPLY. I will take a look at this to help you.  

    Best Regards,


  •   webareca replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just disable all the minify from SG Optimize plugin and clear all the cache and it's fine now.

    You can check it again on anonymous browsers to see the correct results.

    Best Regards,


  • webareca replied

    thank you so much, it's back to normal right now.