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  Public Ticket #2708313
Soleded Popular Posts


  • tdkevin started the conversation

    Hi, about the Soleded Popular Posts, I set the Popular Posts to All Time,

    But seems that the Soleded Popular Posts tools on my sidebar is incorrect,

    that means the most "Click to Read" counts post is not the first.

    How's going on? or when does the Popular Posts data reset and resort?

    Thanks a lot.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    First, please make sure you're using the latest version of Soledad - version 7.8.0

    If not, let update it to the latest version by doing follow this guide - remember to do all 4 steps there, don't forget to do step 4.

    After updating everything, you can go to Posts > All Posts > edit the post you want to see the post views count - and check the information about "Post Views Count" on the right side and you can see the data for it there and compare it.

    Also, please note that: The view count from the theme can't be fit with the views from Google Analytics, because:

    a) We can't get the post views data from Google Analytics, because that's data from Google Analytics, it doesn't give any data for any theme to take those data.

    b) The views from Google Analytics is different from any views from a theme because the views from Google Analytics can exclude the views from the same IPs, same access... etc.. The view count from the theme auto +1 with one view - not exclude the views from same IPs, same access... like Google Analytics. You can test to see - one refresh the view auto +1.

    Best Regards,


  • tdkevin replied

    Hi, Sorry for the delay,

    I already update the theme to latest.

    and I just want to know your .Soleded Popular widget depends which count?

    Just Like I see a post have the highest post views for all time in Edit post page (WP Statistics Plugin),

    but it didnt show on the widget, so I just want to know how the  .Soleded Popular widget compared, 

    thanks a lot.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I said the count from our theme is different from other popular posts plugins...

    You can edit a post > and see the post view counts from the theme for that post on the right side.

    Best Regards,
