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  Public Ticket #2724279
linkable section


  • dariobella started the conversation

    Hi, how can I make a section linkable?

    Thank you


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please make your site live and show me your site URL and let me know what's section you want to clickable. I will take a look at this to help you.

    Best Regards,


  • dariobella replied

    Sorry but for the moment my website is under vpn and still not published.

    I need to realize in the same page a button and when you click on it you go under in the same page to another section. I'm not able to understand to make a section clickable with an hyperlink


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Normally, there is no way to do that because Elementor doesn't support linking a section to another page.

    I recommend you use the element "Button" from Elementor to create a button to link it to the page as you want.

    Best Regards,


  • dariobella replied

    Thank you.

    But I was not cleary: my need is to link a pic ina page to a section in the same page (some sections below).


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If so, please do follow 2 steps below:

    1/ Set the ID for the section you want to go when clicking on the link/button. If you're using Elementor, you can edit that page by using Elementor >  right click on the section as you want to add ID and select edit section > click to "Advanced" tab and fill ID for this section - example:    section-xxx    - check this image:

    2/ Add the URL for your link/button -   use URL:     #section-xxx

    The same as the ID but add  #  before it.

    Best Regards,
