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  Public Ticket #2739912
Problems with using template


  • niemelamika started the conversation

    I have a few pages on my site and one of them is a  news page but the template hasnt activated any blog like news page that I can customize to my liking.

    How do I get my news site to have your template 'blog or news' page activated on that specific page?

    I purchased the winery theme.

    Btw I had a long form copy explaining my problem in detail but this support page of yours fucked it up and didn't let me submit it the first two times  so I didn't bother writing it again

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchasing our theme.

    You can use Elementor to config your 'blog or news' page - check this video tutorial for more.

    Best Regards,
