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  Public Ticket #2746209
remove word author


  • eventadevelopment started the conversation

    hi, please I need to know how do I remove the Author's word before the author's name on the author's page and everywhere.

    I just need to have the author's name alone without having the word author before his name in all the website.

    thank you for your kind support

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can do that by going to Customize > Quick Text Translation > and on the text "by" and "written by" - let it blank

    Best Regards,


  • eventadevelopment replied

    thank you so much for your help.

    i have one more thing.

    when I am trying to share any post from the website it's not showing the post pic.

    and if I share the website URL it's not showing anything.

    if I click on Facebook on the home page to share the site it will show a pic that should not be the main pic for sharing the site.

    how do I control these options?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've said about this issue in the documentation for Soledad - please take it a look here

    Best Regards,
