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  Public Ticket #2746851


  •  1
    pbourelly started the conversation

    I have a right sidebar which I use to help clients contact us by whatsapp or a contact form. I also have a search function in it.

    I would like to remove this sidebar and have the same functions at the end of the post. So I tried to use the footer menu but it actually does not allow to place a whatsapp symbol in it. I see that there is a social media but it is not possible to change the symbol of whatsapp and place a link to get to a contact page. The page is different in each of the 3 languanges.

    Is there a way to move this sidebar at the end of the post and make it horizontal?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, there is no way to do that..

    Best Regards,
