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  Public Ticket #2746986
Hide Social Icons from Header on Mobile


  • Chriistyii started the conversation

    Hi there - I would like to HIDE the social media icons on the header bar ONLY on mobile. How would I go about doing this?

    Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can try adding more of this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px){
    .main-nav-social{ display: none; }

    Best Regards,


  • Chriistyii replied

    Hi there! Unfortunately, this does not work.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please add more of the code as I said and save it & clear all the cache then check it again.

    If it still doesn't work, keep the code in Customize > Custom CSS and let me know to I can check it. I didn't see you've added the code on your site.

    Best Regards,
