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  Public Ticket #2750141
the Soledad SEO BLOG issues


  • OUTSCALECLOUD started the conversation


    We have several questions regarding the Soledad SEO BLOG template:

    - Is it possible to remove the heart that represents a like when you want to share an article? to remove the Printerest logo from this same section? and add the Linkedin logo?

    - Change the appearance of the menu's social network logos? We have our own facebook, linkedin, twitter logo ...

    -Add a new logo in the same section (Social network header) concerning our own application? and do the same in the footer?

    Thanks you,

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can manage the social sharing via Customize > General > Show/Hide Social Sharing.

    2/ You can fill the social media URL links via Customize > Social Media. And let blank any social media icons you want to hide.

    3/ I don't clear about this question, please show me your site URL and tell me more about this.

    Best Regards,
