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  Public Ticket #2761906


  •  1
    pbourelly started the conversation

    I want to activate the whatsapp button and the email button on each post, just like the share buttons.

    Share buttons do not work for me because I want to disable all button and leave only whatsapp and email.

    I do not want to use them to share, so I want to replace the label SHARE with CONTACT US and hide all the other buttons. 

    Is there any way to change the SHARE BOX and make it the way I choose?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The social sharing uses for sharing only. It's not your social media URL. So, you can't do that.

    To control social sharing icons, you can check options for it via Customize > General > Show/Hide Social Sharing.

    Best Regards,
