1/ By default, the featured slider just enable for Homepage you've created by using Customize only. As I see your homepage now using Elementor to build it, so please use element "Penci Featured Slider" from Elementor to get your slider display on the homepage.
2/ There is no option to showing the featured slider for the posts. We only have option to showing the featured slider for all pages by check on "Enable Featured Slider on All Pages" ( on the first image you sent )
3/ Your shortcode is wrong. A shortcode should look like this:
And if you want to get this shortcode works, you need to select the featured slider style is "Revolution Slider Full Width" or "Revolution Slider in Container"
Hello to all,
Customizing->Featured Slider in order to set up the featured slider for posts.
I also added a shortcode in the field, and my question is if can use the shortcode like this
<?php echo do_shortcode('[HomePageSlider]');?> (is correct my syntax?) in the PHP code?
Here are my settings
are my settings correct?
Thank you in advance!
No - It's not correct. Here is more detail:
1/ By default, the featured slider just enable for Homepage you've created by using Customize only. As I see your homepage now using Elementor to build it, so please use element "Penci Featured Slider" from Elementor to get your slider display on the homepage.
2/ There is no option to showing the featured slider for the posts. We only have option to showing the featured slider for all pages by check on "Enable Featured Slider on All Pages" ( on the first image you sent )
3/ Your shortcode is wrong. A shortcode should look like this:
And if you want to get this shortcode works, you need to select the featured slider style is "Revolution Slider Full Width" or "Revolution Slider in Container"
Best Regards,