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  Public Ticket #2782622
author pic


  • eventadevelopment started the conversation

    hi, the author's pic suddenly stops appearing under post articles.

    it only appears in the author profile.

    please how can I fix this asap?

    thank you

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site and your profile image show on the author box without any error.

    Did something go wrong with your browser? Please check again.


    Best Regards,

  • eventadevelopment replied

    hello, this not the author's image.

    the real author image is under the author image profile when you click on the author name you will see the real one.

    I attached a pic under the file name author profile.

    the problem when you click on the article at the end of the article down it shows the author's profile but with the wrong pic, not the same one as under the author profile.

    I attached a pic under the file name wrong author profile article.

    before it was working normally and now I am facing this issue that is not showing the real pic of the author.

    thank you for your help.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your profile image link. The plugin WP User Avatar has generated the wrong profile image, please check this plugin setting.

    Best Regards,

  • eventadevelopment replied

    hello, I check it and there is nothing to change.

    the plugin was working great till I updated it.

    now the plugin is called profile press and making this problem.

    please can you help me solve it?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please download the older version of WP User Avatar by following this link:

    Then upload and replace the current version you installed.

    Best Regards,

  • eventadevelopment replied

    ok thank you.


  • omologist replied

    that plugin does not seem to work anymore since ProfilePress purchased it.  The image is correct on the author page but not at the bottom of the article and just takes the default image.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    @omologist: please download the plugin on this link: Don't upgrade to the newest version.


  • omologist replied

    ok, but that is not a long term solution I hope.