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  Public Ticket #2787568
how to use demo after importing


  • hannahshpa started the conversation

    Hello, I am very new to this but am confused how to adapt a demo to create my website. I imported "Travel Blog 3" from Soledad, but I don't know how to edit the demo to create my site. For example, from the Main Menu Home drop down menu, if I want to use "Infinite Scroll Load More" as the layout for my home menu, how do I do that? Do I delete all of the other options underneath the Home drop down menu? 

    Or, am I misunderstanding this and the demo is just for visual reference, and I have to create all of the pages manually?

    I don't really understand how to adapt the demo to create my own website.

  •  2,753
    PenciDesign replied


    Are you a WordPress beginner user? First, please read Soledad Document by following this link:




    You can customize everything in this theme by going to Appearance > Customize.

    For example: if you want to enable infinite loading on Homepage, please go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage > General, check on Enable Infinite Scroll on Homepage.

    Best Regards,

  • hannahshpa replied

    Yes I am a beginner, and I have already read the Soledad document

    I guess I am asking, if the general flow to just look at the Demo for reference but build my website from scratch, OR to import the demo and customize it?

    Thank you!

  •  2,753
    PenciDesign replied


    If you're a beginner, the easiest way to build your site is imported demo data then edit and customize it.
