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  Public Ticket #2793943
Customizing homepage layout and formatting


  • ericdwhite2020 started the conversation


    I am messaging today with 3 questions regarding homepage customization and formatting. 

    1. Under the latest posts section, how can i hide the “newer posts” and “older posts” navigation text?

    2. In featured sliders, how can I center the post title text? I want the paragraph itself to be centered and I also want the title text to be centered on the image in the slider.

    3. Is there a way to reorder how different sections appear on the homepage? For example, I would like the ‘popular posts’ section to be at the very bottom. I would also like to move the featured boxes below the ‘latest updates’ section. Essentially, I want it ordered like this:

    -Featured slider

    -Latest updates

    -Editor Tips

    -Featured boxes

    -Popular posts


  •  2,750
    PenciDesign replied


    1 & 2. Please go to Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS, then paste the following custom CSS code:

    body.home .penci-pagination {
        display: none;
    .penci-mag-featured-content h3,
    .penci-featured-content .feat-text h3,
    .featured-style-35 .feat-text-right h3 {
        text-align: center;
    This code will hide Pagination & center text in Featured Slider by CSS.

    3. If you build your home page with Customizer, there are no options to re-order block content. Please build your homepage with the Elementor Page Builder plugin, you can re-order and create custom content for your homepage. More information you can read here:

    Best Regards,