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  Public Ticket #2794786
CSS speed optimization from MacBook


  • Michaelgimm started the conversation

    hi there

    I have read and watched your guide on speed optimization and done what is possible to speed up my site.

    It seems what I am missing is optimizing css, by combining them.

    You have made a small piece of software to do this but it only works on windows. Since I am a MacBook user, do you have any suggestions on how to do so for me?

    Best regards


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, the Critical CSS Tool only works on Windows, not support Mac OS at this time. If you are a MAC OS user, please install Windows via Parallel desktop and install this tool inside it.

    Best Regards,

  • Swnaturephoto replied

    is there a way to optimize the CSS a different way on a MAC?  

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi Swnaturephoto,

    Unfortunately, the Critical CSS Tool only support Windows OS, you can run this software on Mac OS by installing the Parallel Desktop.

    OR please send me your site URL (in a private reply), I'll help you create a critical CSS by running this tool on my device.


  • Swnaturephoto replied

    Thanks for the speedy reply!  ok....i sent you an email via the envato site.  Please let me know if you did not receive it.  Thanks!

  • Swnaturephoto replied

    I keep trying to send you a private ticket but it's asking for envato code and keeps coming back without me being able to enter it??  UPDATE - I sent you an email via Envato site.