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  Public Ticket #2805559
AMP Performance


  • amirfanaeian started the conversation

    Hi Soledad team 

    Thank you very much for your kind effort on speed optimization performance it was great !

    But as we have many AMP pages still google are showing weak performance on these Urls, could you please work on amp performance to be the 100 percent score like other urls ? 



  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    First, you should understand how AMP works. Here is the way AMP works:

    If someone on a mobile or tablet searches a keyword on => Google will return the search results => if your page appears on the google search results & support for AMP => When the user click on it the AMP page will loads.

    The AMP developed by Google self and Google will take care of the speed loads of AMP. So, the scores of AMP pages on Google Page Speed don't tell anything and it doesn't require to optimize because there is no way to optimize scores for AMP pages - all rules on AMP pages proposed by Google self. And Google Search Console never appears any message relate to optimizing the indicators of web vitals for AMP.

    Best Regards,

  • amirfanaeian replied


    Unfortunately you had wrong explanation about AMP, there is a lot of space to work on Amp optimization 

    If you compare different amp page from different website by google insight test you could see the scores is vary between these websites means optimization are working ! and are important on amp performance too !!

    like these two 

    Eliminate render-blocking resources

    Preload Largest Contentful Paint image

    This is a link of amp optimizer 



  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I'll think about your reply and suggest the AMP Optimizer to the developer team.
