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  Public Ticket #2806531
Problems Google Search Console


  • Stefanie started the conversation


    I bought and installed the Soledad theme, now I get lots of information about problems in the Google Search Console. 

    - content is wider than the screen

    -text is too small to read

    -"name" or "item name" is necessary

    Can you help? It's hard to figure out how to fix these and I do not want to lose google rank.

    Kind regards


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please send me a report detail from Google.

    2. You should check your site Typography at the Menu Bar and Heading Title, this is really hard to read.

    Go to Appearance > Customize > Logo & Header, then adjust:

    • Font size shouldn't smaller than 14px,
    • Don't use handwriting font for heading title,
    • Adjust the menu width similar to another element of your site (1170px),

    3. For the "name" or "item name", please send me the error/URL detail, I've checked your site on Google Rich Snippet and don't see any issues.


  • Stefanie replied


    thanks for the quick reply!

    For 3, I have the email attached, unfortunately German only.

    For the other ones, ok, I'll go over font and sizes again.

    Kind regards


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I understand that Google Search Console is reporting a warning saying that ‘either name or should be specified’. I imagine this is a cause of concern.

    You're currently using Yoast SEO to display breadcrumb as JSON on the header and the Yoast SEO plugin takes the name from the page name. In this case, it could be that the name is missing from your front page. Can you please check the page you’re using as your front page and make sure you’ve added a title to this page? If not, does adding the title resolve the issue?


  • Stefanie replied


    Title and Meta Description seem to be fine in the Yoast settings. In the theme customizer I added a name in "Add More <H1> Tag for Homepage", maybe that helps?

    Yoast has a note that they are updating the navigation structure but it might take a couple of days.

    Maybe I get this wrong, but in the pages section of wordpress, I do not have a Home/ Front page page. It's an automatic, flexible setup in the Design/Customizer section. Might that be a problem?

    Kind regards


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to SEO > Search Appearance, select the Breadcrumbs tab then made sure you enter the home title at Anchor text for the Homepage field.

    Remember to clear the site cache to apply the new change.


  • Stefanie replied

    That's done, thank you!