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  Public Ticket #2811991
Social Sharing


  • Mariana started the conversation

    Hi, is there any way to completely eliminate this. Even though I hid every single social media option, it still is showing the "Compartir". 

    Is there no option to disable this Social Sharing Option?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → General, check Hide Comment Count & Hide Like Count & Social Share option.


  • Mariana replied


    Thanks, that solved it for the "blog page" but it is still showing it in the Home Page.

    I apologise but i cannot find the option to hide it.  Can you guide me, please?

    Thanks again

  • Mariana replied

    Silly me, I did the same on the "Pages" options and it worked.
