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  Public Ticket #2813414
Importing Demo


  • zattioui started the conversation


    Using the "Dark Version" demo, I made posts, edited the "about me" page, changed a lot of things to fit my website needs. But then I changed my mind and wanted another demo. I followed the steps under "NOTE IMPORTANT -- PLEASE READ IT FIRST." I uninstalled the "Dark Version" Demo, and then installed "Traveler Blog 3" but without the content because I already content on my blog. After installing only the demo style, all the information is no longer on the site.

    Please Help. Thanks

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    If you click Uninstall the demo imported data, all the data imported will be erased to the default of WordPress.

    In this case, you should start over to edit againfrown.png


  • zattioui replied


    So how can I change the demo theme without losing my data next time?


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please follow the instruction:

    1. Before you uninstall, please backup your data first by using one of the most popular WordPress Backup solutions (UpdraftPlus, Duplicator, ...)
    2. Do not edit the demo post/page, you should duplicate the post/page demo to your page by using Duplicate Post plugin, then modify page data from here.
