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  Public Ticket #2814307
Homepage layout - Cover posts


  • nsanto started the conversation


    I bought the soledade template 1 week ago and I'm customizing it, but in the homepage layout, all the possibilities of choice does not put the image on the cover of the posts. My site is about magazines, and the cover images are vertical. What do I have to do to put the images on the post covers?

    I'm still using the old template, I look forward to hearing from you,



  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Soledad theme gets the featured image as the cover of the post.

    If you are not set the featured image on the old post, please install the Auto Featured Image then try to test again.


  • nsanto replied

    I've installed the plugin you told me about (Auto Featured Image (Auto Post Thumbnail)), and I still don't have a cover image in the posts. For example, I'm with the Grid Masonry Posts, and appears title, editor, date, and start of text in posts, but images nothing.

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   nsanto replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  • nsanto replied


    Very good, I can now put images on the post covers.

    Thank you very much,

    My best regards,
