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  Public Ticket #2817697
Unable to display some external url image in Featured Image


  • calvinteoh started the conversation

    I am using "Featured Image from URL (FIFU)" plugin that enable "Featured Image" to be sourced from url externally. However, I found out that, some of the "Featured Image"s are not shown in the Homepage or in the Post itself (this issue only happen to some images, not all images). I didn't face the loading image issue if I use another theme, and on top of that image url is also a valid url with image. Additionally, I have also checked to make sure that I have turned off Lazy Loading in FIFU and also in Jetpack; and only enable Lazy Loading in the theme. 

    Is there any specific image constraint using this image for Featured Image?

    Below is one of image's url that could not be displayed:

    -> 401337345.png?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me a related URL about this issue. I need to check it on the live site.


  •   calvinteoh replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please check the problem:


    The image you insert on the post is totally different from the link you post here:

    This is the image link of your post:

    Please check and replace.


  •   calvinteoh replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please check the address of the image link on the browser address bar. When you access the image link:

    This will be redirected to this link:

    And if you enable Jetpack Site Accelerator, this plugin will render the wrong URL. Please try to temporarily disable Jetpack Site Accelerator then try to reload your site again.


  •   calvinteoh replied privately
  • calvinteoh replied

    I have disabled Jetpack acceleration and all valid image seems to be showing. I do recall that I don't need to disable Jetpack acceleration in the previous Theme. 

    However, I would continue to disable the Jetpack acceleration per your suggestion below. 

    Thanks for the prompt feedback and the support from this Theme is well and beyond! Thanks again.