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  Public Ticket #2818211
Featured Category Module


  • Life_and_Labor started the conversation

    I'm working on my homepage and trying to create a 3 column look beneath the big grid at the top. My goal is to have each column be a list of my 3 most recent blog posts on a given topic. So a list for "business", a list for "marketing", a list for "careers", etc.

    I'd like these to be simple, aligned lists descending in an organized fashion. Unfortunately when I use the Featured Category module the blog posts from each category populate as more of a grid. If you visit my site you'll see in the bottom right of the homepage under the "Career" category column my issue. The first two posts are sandwiched together and the third is beneath them and the post titles are all mashed together.

    Ideally I just want all three spaced neatly in a list and then each column partitioned apart by category.

    Any thoughts on how I can achieve this and fix the weird post formatting issue?

    Thank you

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Life_and_Labor replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Life_and_Labor replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Some layouts need a large column width to display properly.

    In this case, please adjust the column width or choose another Layout style.


  • Life_and_Labor replied

    I was actually able to resolve this by using another module called the Penci Widget Recent/Popular Posts actually formats in this simple list layout by default which achieves the same result. Posting this here for anyone in the future who has the same issue. The small list defaults to a type of grid look but the Penci Widget Recent/Popular Posts fits the 3 column block and looks like a list in each column.

    Thanks for the help!