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  Public Ticket #2818626
mobile navigation


  • hyewonmc started the conversation

    my site is single page site. in mobile phone.  when i press a menu in vertical navigation, then  the  screen move to the css point, but vertical navegation is not disappear automatically.  what should i do to make mobile navigation to disappear automatically when i pressed a menu?

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  • hyewonmc replied

    as you said. when i tab  outside the menu area. it closed automatically. ok.  but is there any way to close menu  automatically without tapping out side  after press a button in menu ?   many other site  worked as i said. 

    my url is

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    There is no way to close the menu automatically without tapping outside after pressing a button in the menu. If you found a better solution, please send me an example site.


  • hyewonmc replied

    in mobilephone.   if i press hamburger menu icon and vertical navigation appear,  i press a menu button in navigation then in screen  it chaned to css point  and vertical navigation disappear automatically.  it doesn't cover screen .   i don't need tab outside.    your site already works as i said. 

    but in my site   vertical navigation still remains after sceen changed.  

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    For a better user experience, when the user opens the mobile navigation menu then wants to close, just tape any position outside the menu instead of the close icon.

    There's no difference exclude the close area size.


    You can add the following CSS to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS to remove the overlay background color:

    .penci-menu-hbg-overlay, #close-sidebar-nav {
        background-color: transparent;
    } #sidebar-nav {
        border-right: 1px solid #dedede;
    } #close-sidebar-nav i {
        font-size: 22px;
