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  Public Ticket #2819918
Search Plugin Not Working with Soledad


  • FWD2016 started the conversation

    I use the plugin: "Relevanssi", which is a WordPress search plugin to improve site search for the public. 

    In the past versions of SoleDad theme, this plugin worked well. Now, it does not work at all. The SoleDad theme causes search results (using that plugin) to falter (less results than usual) or fail (getting no results when I should be getting results).

    What I did was switched themes to a default WordPress theme and used the search plugin. It worked great. When SoleDad was reactivated, the plugin failed to provide the same search results. 

    This search plugin worked fine with SoleDad before, but now it doesn't. Also I tested other WordPress search plugins and all of them failed to work.

    Note: it is the SoleDad theme that is causing this, because on my test, I did not deactivate any other plugin. I only switched the theme to the default WordPress theme.

    What is it in SoleDad that causes this?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please make sure you're using the latest version of Soledad - version 7.9.4 - if not, let update it to the latest version by doing follow this guide - remember do all 4 steps there.

    After that, try to go to Customize > General > General Settings > and check to "Include Pages on Search Results Page" and try it again. Because we've excluded the Pages from the search result page by default.

    Best Regards,


  • FWD2016 replied

    I already had the current SoleDad version, it was the customizer setting.

    So many settings (no complaint), eventually I will remember them all.

    The plugin works perfectly now.

    Thank-you so much.

    This is resolved.