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  Public Ticket #2823137
translation of comments


  • Carmis started the conversation

    Hello! I need the word "comments" to be combined with the number of comments when translating from English into Russian (according to the grammatical rules of the Russian language). How can I do this? 

    For example:

    1 comment = 1 комментариЙ

    2 commentS = 2 комментариЯ

    5 commentS = 5 комментариЕВ

    11 commentS = 11 комментариЕВ

    21 commentS = 21 комментариЙ

    22 commentS = 22 комментариЯ

    23 commentS = 23 комментариЯ

    24 commentS = 24 комментариЯ

    25 commentS = 23 комментариЕВ

    101 commentS = 101 комментариЙ


    In the settings there is a field for translation, but there you can specify only one word form.

    In English everything is simple, but in Russian there are many different endings in words, depending on which number is in front of the word.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Quick Text Translation, find and replace the comment at:

    • Text: "comment"
    • Text: "comments"


  • Carmis replied

    The problem is that this is not enough =(

    I'll try to look for some third-party plugin.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try to install and use this plugin:


  • Carmis replied

    Yes, I just stopped by to write to you that I found a solution. Now everything is all right.