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  Public Ticket #2823522
Some issues and questions


  • johncarnegie started the conversation


    I have a few questions

    1 How to disable a featured image from a single page? 

    I used the same featured image as the one in the content. SO I have the same image at 2 positions now. I need to disable the Featured image.



    2 All pages dashboard - Overlapped

    When I went to All pages to edit a page and scrolled down, I saw items overlapped each other

    I followed your Speed Optimization instruction such as CSS generator and WP Super fast cache to speed up my website. It is working well. There are some little issues related to that. Hope you can help me.

    3 If you click Login or "Đăng nhập" from my website, you will see that The Google logo was not displayed:


    4 Logo was not displayed on mobile device: If you click the 3-bar icon to open the left sidebar menu, you won't see the logo.

    5 iPad - horizontal dimension: When I view the website on my iPad using horizontal dimension (not vertical dimension), I saw that Some icons on the right side were sticky. That means when I scrolled down, those icons kept going down and overlapping with the right sidebar.

    6 Please let me know which cache plugin works best with your theme? I followed your instruction regarding speed. Therfore, I used WP Fatest cache. It works well and makes the site load fast for not logged-in users. But for logged-in users, it loads quite slowly. I know there is no-cache for logged-in users. Do we have any way to make the website load fast even for logged-in users?

    P.S: I really love your theme, especially the speed optimization process. I think it is the easiest theme which helped me achieve more than 90 points on Pagespeed without putting too much effort. For the other themes, I always have had to change and optimize too much to achieve the same result.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: #main .page .post-image {
        display: none;

    2. This problem occurs because you open the WordPress dashboard on a small screen/windows resolution. Download file at the attachment and overwrite it to:


    3. The Social Plugin you used has an error. Please get support from the plugin author.

    4. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Logo & Header, update your logo URL at Logo for Vertical Mobile Nav. The current logo URL is incorrect or the logo image has removed:

    5. The problem because you have many menu items on Main Menu. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    @media only screen and (min-device-width: 481px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) and (orientation:landscape) { > li > a, .menu > ul > li > a {
        padding: 0 5px;
    6. Please go to WP Fastest Cache Plugin, uncheck the option Logged-in Users.



  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Update for #3. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    .theChampGoogleLoginSvg {
     background:url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,') left no-repeat !important;


  • johncarnegie replied


    Thanks a lot for your response.

    1, 2, 4: DONE

    3: I tried to add that super long code to CSS, but it didn't work. The logo icon was normal before I did the CSS steps and cache.

    I also experience that kind of issue sometimes when I did Minify CSS and Combine CSS using WP-Rocket on some other themes. I think this issue may be caused by Minify CSS or something like that.

    I will also send a message to Super Socializer to see what we can do about this issue.

    6 If we use cache for logged-in users as your suggestion, does it cause any issue? I often see lots of suggestions saying that we should not enable cache for logged-in users. May I ask what kind of cache can logged-in users see? Can they see the cache from some other logged-in users if we enable cache for logged-in users? 

    If user A only see cache for based on user A's view, I think it is good. But if user A can also see cache from User B's view. that may cause some problem. Some checkout pages or private info or credit info may be seen by some other users. Is that correct? Could you please explain a bit more on this?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    3. The CSS code doesn't apply to your site, so the icon still not display. Please try to copy & paste again, then clear the cache.

    6. If you want to make the website load fast even for logged-in users, you MUST enable the cache for login users. For the membership site, please read this article:

    For high effects, you should use WordPress Cache plugin + Server-level cache (Memcached, Redis)


  • johncarnegie replied


    6: OK

    3: I added the code again and cleared the cache. But the Google Logo was still not displayed.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    The CSS still does not apply to your site.

    Please send me your site login credential in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you.


  •   johncarnegie replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   johncarnegie replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   johncarnegie replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed this issue.

    Please check.


  • johncarnegie replied


    It works.

    You're awesome.

  • johncarnegie replied


    When I wanted to submit a ticket today, the system kept asking me to submit Envato purchase code. But I did that already. That's why I could send a few tickets before. WHy asking again now? Also, when I clicked verify Envato Purchase code, it didn't show anything for me to fill in the code.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    - For the ticket issue, please wait for me to check again.

    - If you have any issues with Soledad, you can post on this ticket.


  • johncarnegie replied


    Thanks a lot. Please check the ticket issue again.

    I have 3 questions

    1 Font: I am using Roboto Font and I prefer 16 px for the body text. When I went to Dashboard --> Posts, it seems like the Font is only 14 px and the font style is not Roboto. How to change the content from the Dashboard to Roboto 16px for Paragraphs?


    2 Twitter login critical error: When I tried to login using Twitter, there was a critical error warning.


    3 Translation: I am using WPML for multi-language site. I read your article related to translation. 


    Soledad allows you to transition text online via WordPress Customizer. You just need to go to Appearance > Customize > Quick Text Translation translate all the text there to the text as you want. If your site is multiple languages ( use WPML or Polylang ), you can put the shortcode "[pencilang]" in the language transition options to translate it.

    The structure of a [pencilang] shortcode would look like this:

    [pencilang en_US='Share' fr_FR='Partager' language_code='Your language text' /]                                                         

    In the shortcode above, en_US & fr_FR is the languages code. You can see the languages code here"

    I don't really understand. Normally, I just use WPML to translate all of the pages, string, etc. So what special things do I need to get notice here? Why should I use some code like, [pencilang], and when should I use it? Doesn't WPML work as usual on your theme?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Typography, enter the font size at General Font Size for Text and select the Font For Body Text here.

    2. This is not a feature of Soledad, please contact the plugin author for this error.

    3. Soledad compatible with WPML plugin. You can use it as other themes.

    For example, using the "pencilang" shortcode:

    Go to Logo & Header → Slogan Text,

    If you want to display slogan text for each language, use the "pencilang" here:

    [pencilang en_US='English Slogan' fr_FR='France slogan here' vi_VN='Vietnamese slogan here' /] 

    After adding this code, you don't need to go to the String Translator to translate again.


  • johncarnegie replied


    1 It didn't work. I changed the settings as you said. But when I went to the Dashboard --> Posts. It appeared with Roboto 16px for 1-2 seconds, then it turned back to PT Serif 14px.

    2 OK. I already contacted them last week. No response yet. Need to wait a bit more I guess.

    3 If I understand you correctly, I can use that "pencilang" shortcode everywhere I see some texts?

    For instance, if I go to Quick Text Translation, I will see this Text: "Type and hit enter...". If I want it appears in any language I just do as below:

    [pencilang en_US='Type and hit enter...' fr_FR='France Type and hit enter...' vi_VN='Nhập và ấn enter...' /] 

    Then that text will be in 3 different languages including English, French, and Vietnamese. Am I correct?

    Besides, did you check the open ticket issue? 

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please clear your browser cache then test again. I've checked your and all text in post display 16px,
    2. Yes. You should wait for a response from the plugin author,
    3. Right. You can use this shortcode in any post or the text field on Customize panel.



  •   johncarnegie replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Theme Editor, Select theme to edit: Soledad, then click to edit the editor-style.css.

    Find line 50 begin with the content:

    body {
        font-family: 'PT Serif', serif;
        color: #313131;
        background-color: #FFF;
        font-size: 14px;
    Modify the code above like this:

    body {
        font-family: 'Roboto', serif;
        color: #313131;
        background-color: #FFF;
        font-size: 16px;



  • johncarnegie replied


    I couldn't find Theme Editor there. Probably it has been hidden somhow.


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The editor is not available because you've turned it off by adding the code to the wp-config.php file:

    define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

    2. I've logged in to your site and edit the editor-style.css

    Please check.


  • johncarnegie replied


    Thanks a lot.

    You have changed the font to Roboto and it works. But the font is still 14px, not 16 px. You can tell me where to find it and I can do it myself.

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please clear your site cache then check again.


  • johncarnegie replied


    Thanks a lot. It works. You're the best.