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  Public Ticket #2836774
Top Bar


  • SLEnterprises started the conversation

    I installed the newest update.  

    The custom text in the Top Bar does not work.

    It puts in the code along with the word Welcome.

    The Top Bar looks like this = [penci_date format='l, F j Y'] - Welcome

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   SLEnterprises replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    This shortcode doesn't work because you're using the old version of the Penci Shortcodes & Performance plugin. I've updated and now everything working properly.


  • SLEnterprises replied

    Thank You :-)

  • SLEnterprises replied

    I forgot to ask:

    Do I need both Penci Shortcodes & Performance plugin and Code Snippets plugin?

    I am not sure what they do.

    Also.. I would like to get rid of Insert Headers and Footers plugin.

    Is there any other way to put my Google Analytics code into the header without this plugin?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. You should keep the Penci Shortcodes & Performance plugin and deactivate/delete the Code Snippets plugin if you have not used it.

    2. You can put GA code by going to Appearance → Customize → Logo & Header → General, put your code at Add Custom Code Inside <head> tag field.


  • SLEnterprises replied

    I have some stuff in Custom css.

    Can I still get rid of the Code Snippets plugin?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    This plugin only supports PHP code language. The CSS code you've inserted may be on the Customizer Settings.

    I've checked your Code Snippets plugin, there's no currently active snippet running, so you can disable/delete it.


  • SLEnterprises replied

    Thank You.

    Also.. I am using the Penci Slider for the image at the top of the home page.

    But.. I do not want a slider so I have it set to just 1 image.

    Is there any way to put the image at the top of the page without using the Penci Slider?

    It needs to go under the menu, and above the Home Featured Boxes.

    You can see here.. 

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    If you only show 1 image, you can use a penci_image shortcode:

    [penci_image url=""]

    I've edited your site homepage by replacing Penci Slider with the shortcode above.

    Please check.

  • SLEnterprises replied

    Thank You so much!

    I don't really know much about the shortcodes or how to use them.

    Is there somewhere I can go to learn more about shortcodes and how they work?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    You can read the document about WordPress shortcode here:
