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  Public Ticket #2838850
Elementor only in safe mode


  • ststephensuc started the conversation

    The web site uses Soledad, it hasn't been touched for many months over the pandemic. I started looking at it again. It uses Elementor, whenever I tried to use it to edit anything it went to safe mode. I tried some of the suggestions but I am new to all of this and didn't understand many of the suggestions. 
    We stopped paying for support when we stopped updating the sit about a year ago. I renewed it today. might that have something to do with the problem?
    Can you help me to get Elementor going again?

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   ststephensuc replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   ststephensuc replied privately
  •   ststephensuc replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    The problem because you're currently using the old version of Soledad. 

    I've backup and update your site to the latest version.

    Please check.
