Hi there - loving the performance improvement of my website! There's one additional question/area that I need some help. Underneath the logo header bar, I would like to put my affiliate disclosure text without a background or paint. That area seems to require me to use a header sign up form (which I did and modified) widget - yet it won't let change the background color/get rid of the gray. Is there a way to replace that box with a static text box so it shows on main page and blog post pages?
Thank you! :)
When I run Google pagespeed insights - I continue to get notified that it's an LCP.
This is the largest contentful element painted within the viewport. Learn MoreLCP
Aperture and Light shares travels, experiences and photography tips to add a li…
Soledad Theme only supports display content below the header and top of content for all pages by adding the widget to the Header Signup Form. You can change the header sign up form widget by going to Appearance → Customize → Logo & Header → Header Signup Form, scroll down then change the background colour and font size.
Hi there - Thank you.... I've tried that multiple times.....the font size, padding, background color and text won't change color. However the bold and italics still work? See the screenshot
Hi there - loving the performance improvement of my website! There's one additional question/area that I need some help. Underneath the logo header bar, I would like to put my affiliate disclosure text without a background or paint. That area seems to require me to use a header sign up form (which I did and modified) widget - yet it won't let change the background color/get rid of the gray. Is there a way to replace that box with a static text box so it shows on main page and blog post pages?
Thank you! :)
When I run Google pagespeed insights - I continue to get notified that it's an LCP.
This is the largest contentful element painted within the viewport. Learn MoreLCP
ElementAperture and Light shares travels, experiences and photography tips to add a li… <p>
Soledad Theme only supports display content below the header and top of content for all pages by adding the widget to the Header Signup Form. You can change the header sign up form widget by going to Appearance → Customize → Logo & Header → Header Signup Form, scroll down then change the background colour and font size.
Hi there - Thank you.... I've tried that multiple times.....the font size, padding, background color and text won't change color. However the bold and italics still work? See the screenshot
Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code: