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  Public Ticket #2844277
Links are not displayed in grid layout on homeage


  • Sovietovic started the conversation


    I recently started to use my page and after a while I realised that URL links are not displayed on homepage in Grid view for some reason. They do display fine on clicking "Read More" in this page. Please check the page where it is clearly visible. 

    Is there an option how to make URLs work fine on homepage?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site. All the URL link is clickable and working fine.

    Please try to open your site on the incognito/private then check again.

    If the problem is still available on your device, please send me a screenshot and take note of it.


  • Sovietovic replied

    The links I'm speaking about are on homepage (attachment links1). They do not display at all. It is just blank text.
    However once you click on the post they are displayed there (attachment links2).

    Any ideas why this happens? 

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    By default, WordPress will strip all the HTML tags of the content display of the position you mention about.

    If you want to display as HTML Format content, please install the Code Snippet plugin, then create a new snippet with the following content:

    add_filter( 'get_the_excerpt', 'sovietovic_penci_post_content_html', 10, 2 );
    function sovietovic_penci_post_content_html($excerpt, $post){
        $limit = 20;
        $excerpt = get_the_content('', true, $post->ID);
        $more = '…';
        $excerpt = explode( ' ', $excerpt, ( $limit + 1 ) );
        if( count( $excerpt ) > $limit )
        array_pop( $excerpt );
        return implode( ' ', $excerpt ) . $more;
    The code above will display a maximum of 20 words, you can change 20 by the number of words you want to display.


  • Sovietovic replied

    Thanks PenciDesign,

    That worked nicely