Do you mean the carousel slider on the top of the page? Please go to Appearance → Customize → Featured Slider → General: check Enable Featured Slider, then scroll down on this panel to customize your slider settings.
At Customize → Featured Slider → General: you can select the category you want to display at Select Featured Category or fill the tags list on Fill List Featured Tags for Featured Slider.
Voglio inserire delle categorie formato carosello sulla pagina
Do you mean the carousel slider on the top of the page? Please go to Appearance → Customize → Featured Slider → General: check Enable Featured Slider, then scroll down on this panel to customize your slider settings.
Grazie mille e se vorrei scegliere quali categorie far apparire come posso fare?
At Customize → Featured Slider → General: you can select the category you want to display at Select Featured Category or fill the tags list on Fill List Featured Tags for Featured Slider.