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  Public Ticket #2847655
Instagram Footer Feed...


  • imediaweb started the conversation

    Hello Support Team,

    I am having a lot of fun with this theme so far. I have provided the staging site URL to illustrate the current stage of the website. I received a request from the client that she would like her Instagram feed in the footer to display like in the screenshot that I provided. I tried to create a new footer in Elementor Pro, but when I inserted the Footer, it would disable the HEADER within the theme. So this is why I am reaching out to support for some assistance, to see if this is something that is possible within the installed theme. The client LOVES the site/theme design that is set up so I am about 95% there minus this little technical detail. Please advise.

    I also need assistance on the mobile navigation menu on the site. The HAMBURGER menu does not appear when you pull up the TEST URL on a mobile phone. I have gone through the settings and cannot find out where to modify the hamburger icon color. Please advise on this issues as well.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.


    Robert Lopez

    Lopez Dezign

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. You can create a Footer similar to the screenshot without using Elementor by going to Appearance → Widgets, add the .Soledad Instagram Feed widget to the Footer Instagram Widget area.

    2. Go to Appearance → Customize → Footer → Footer Instagram: customize the Footer Instagram here.

    3. You can change the colour of the Hamburger menu at Appearance → Customize → Logo & Header → Color → Search, Shopping Cart & Mobile Bars Icons Color


  • imediaweb replied


    I am still not able to get the Instagram feed to appear in the footer are on this staging site. Please advise...


    Robert Lopez

    Lopez Dezign

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance > Widgets, expand the Footer Instagram widget area, then config the .Soledad Instagram Feed.

    Go to get the token information then fill it out on the Instagram Widget settings.

    2. All the Instagram Access Token is only available in 60 days, you must create a new token after that time:


  • imediaweb replied

    So on the First recommendation, do I need to send this link to the client to generate an access token for the Smash Balloon Instagram feed? Please advise...

    Robert -

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. You should give this link to your client & request them to provide the Instagram access token to make the Instagram Feed working.


  • imediaweb replied

    OK. Will do. I I have any other questions, I will contact you...

    Robert -

  • imediaweb replied


    I have the Instagram footer feed published. My next question is that the client is requesting that the thumbnails link to the actual Instagram post. Is this possible? Please advise...

    Robert Lopez

    Lopez Dezign

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    The current version only supports links to Instagram Image or Profile. We'll add this feature on the next release.


  • imediaweb replied

    How soon do you think that feature will be rolled out?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your site login credential in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and update this feature to your site.


  •   imediaweb replied privately
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've changed the settings of the Instagram Widget, please check your site.

    If you want to change this option in the future, please go to Instagram Widgets, select the Instagram link at the Link to option.



  • imediaweb replied

    Excellent. That's exactly what I am looking for. If I have any other questions I will let you know...

    Robert Lopez

    Lopez Dezign

  • imediaweb replied

    Hello, I am about to try and finalize this project for the client. The client has submitted the request to have an option to have some of the blog posts to have a more vertical format on the images. I am not sure if this is possible to mix the image ratio up on the blog feed. If not, could it be possible to just have the blog post sections to have a 1:1 ratio on the images? Let me know...

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. If you want to display more various image dimensions on the blog feed, you can select the Masonry layout on Appearance → Customize → General → Category, Tag, Search, Archive Layout.

    2. You can also adjust an image ratio by going to Appearance → Customize → General → General Settings: Custom Aspect Ratio for Featured Image.


  • imediaweb replied

    Hello, Thank you for the quick reply. I have tried both settings and nothing has changed with the formatting. Please advise...

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site layout. There're no options to add a more vertical format on the images for the current layout you've used. All the image is a fixed size.

    If you want to modify the layout similar to the client request, you should edit a lot of theme files and add more options. Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of time to provide a highly advance customize support request.
