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  Public Ticket #2849562
Activate the product again


  • SenenFerros started the conversation

    I competed the template to use it in that domain with a host but it turns out that I have been scammed in the hosting host and now I am in another hosting company but when I go to activate the template I cannot because it tells me that it has been activated in the other hosting . is there a way to remove from one and put it in the other?

    Thank you for reading

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've re-assign your license key to your domain.

    Please check then activate again.


  • SenenFerros replied

    I have bought another domain and accommodation since in the other I do not have access to anything, I can send you proof that it only changes the .com for the .es

    I do not want to abuse the template, I want them to believe that they have scammed me in the old one and now in the new one I have had to buy another domain and another hosting, I hope they believe me

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me the new domain name you want to transfer. I'll check the information and send you feedback soon.


  • SenenFerros replied

    Hello good, the new domain is

    I hope that this little mishap hasn't caused a lot of inconvenience.

    Have a good day :D and thanks

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    I've transferred your license to the new domain.

    Please check then activate on your site.


  • SenenFerros replied

    When I activate it, it tells me this, but I'm on the same page, I don't understand

    This license key has been registered for the domain: please buy a new license.

    I don't know why this happens will it be for the / at the end?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please check the exact domain name you've set up on WordPress by going to Settings → General → Site Address (URL): (www and non-www is 2 different domain),

    2. I've assigned the license key to the domain name you've posted on the reply (

    Please check and try activating again.


  • SenenFerros replied

    as you can see the link is the same right?

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Alright. Please refresh your browser then try to activate again.

    If you still can't activate successfully, please send me your site login credential in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you.


  • SenenFerros replied

    I already activated it, thank you very much ^^