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  Public Ticket #2852183
slow blog with Soledad


  •  1
    vaninasimon started the conversation


    I noticed that my blog is super slow, especially on the mobile

    Do you know why? 

    I checked on the website and look at my screenshot "" . In the part "Eliminate render blocking resources" it seems the CSS can be optimized and jquery as well.

    Is the CSS and Javascript of the theme Soledad optimized ?


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Since Soledad 7.9, We've released an exclusive plugin and software to help you create critical CSS and optimize your site speed call PageSpeed Optimizer. 

    Please go to these links and follow the instruction to improve your site speed:


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    I tried to followed the links you sent to me and I tried to follow the instructions but it doesn't work because I have a Macbook.

    It's written that your critical.exe file  only works on Windows. 
    So what is the solution for your customer with iOS? 


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    I checked in the messages from other people and I found this answer : 

    "Unfortunately, the Critical CSS Tool only support Windows OS, you can run this software on Mac OS by installing the Parallel Desktop.
    OR please send me your site URL (in a private reply), I'll help you create a critical CSS by running this tool on my device."

    I can't add windows on my Macbook because I don't have enough space on it. So I send you my blog URL in a private message.

    Do you plan to share a critical.exe file for iOS or not at all ?  Because there are many Mac-users and it's really not convenient for us if Penci doesn't develop the files for iOS. 

    Thanks for your help

  •   vaninasimon replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    1. We currently develop a macOS version of Critical CSS Tool and will release soon,

    2. Please send me your site login credential in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you create on my devices.


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    Hi, thanks for your quick answer.

    1/ I'm sooooo glad to hear that and I can't wait to use it. Thanks :)

    2/ Thanks a lot. What is a login credential ? Is it my user and password to log on my wordpress backoffice ? Or to log on my Envato account ? Or something else ? 


  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   vaninasimon replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Before I can regenerate critical CSS for your site, please temporarily disable the security check:



  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    I absolutely have no idea where to disable this security check. 
    Do I have to ask to my host ? Maybe it is in my Cpanel ?

    I'm sorry I don't have any technical skill :( 

  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    That's ok. I asked to my host and I managed to disable this security check in my cPanel.


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    I've created critical CSS and config the cache plugin for your site.

    Please check.


  •  1
    vaninasimon replied

    Thank you so much guys ! That's crazy how it's fast now :) My blog had a 64 for the mobile ( and now it has a 93 ! 

    So if I understand I can't enable the lazyload of my plugin to resize my images Smush ? Because there is already a lazy load in Penci Pagespeed Optimizer plugin ? 


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes. Our theme already included the lazyload features, so you needn't enable it again.
