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  Public Ticket #2854662
page doesents work


  • estelaibz started the conversation

    When today I installed your templete (not the content, onlye the templete) something didnt worked. The home page is the same that the template i had before and i cand edit the pges on the background of my wordpress.

    I only would like to save my food posts and the page "about me" but now the home page is the same that my latest template and nothing is working.

    Can you help me? Thank you

  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    1. After activated Soledad Theme, please clear all your site and browser cache, de-activate all plugins related to the old theme then reload again,

    2. The current home page is built with Customizer, you can modify it by going to the Appearance → Customize → Home page.

    3. If you have other issues, please send me a screenshot.
