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  Public Ticket #2858522
change image path


  • mo3aleg started the conversation


    i have problem with image path . all the imges in posts have like this


    should it be without the folders name ?

    how i can change it without the folder name 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's the image path render by WordPress itself and by default there is no way to change it. All WordPress themes have a path like that.

    Best Regards,


  • mo3aleg replied

    ok now i understand

    second question as u see in the image Avoid long main-thread tasks it load twice

    and about 

    Largest Contentful Paint element

    is there any tips

    thanks for fast answer

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Those information doesn't affect to the speed - check more on this image:

    About the "Largest Contentful Paint" - it is based on how long your images load on the first screen ( check this image to understand what's the first screen ) - and if you want to reduce it, you need to:

    1/ Optimize your images: you can use a plugin to optimize images like this plugin.

    2/ Reduce server response time: use good hosting or a CDN to increase the image loading time.

    Best Regards,
