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  Public Ticket #2860717
Post Comment Count stuck at Zero


  •   rtblogger started the conversation
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue and all other problems about comment form/number/counting are related to the Disqus plugin.

    So please check this plugin config carefully.



  • rtblogger replied

    gone through the plugin settings and could not find anything that could be causing the comment count of the post page to not update, but I suspect it has something to do with it showing up as a <span> element instead of an <href>. I saw a question about a similar issue on stack overflow, but it involved changing the code. 

    Where would I be able to edit the comment count on the post page in the theme code?


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    If you want to change the HTML markup of comment number on a single post, please follow these steps:

    1. Go to Appearance → Themes → Theme Editor:

    - Select theme to edit: Soledad,

    - Navigate to: soledad/content-single.php

    - Find:

    <span><?php comments_number( '0 ' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_comment' ), '1 ' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_comment' ), '% ' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_comments' ) ); ?></span>

    Replace with:

    <a href="#comments"><?php comments_number( '0 ' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_comment' ), '1 ' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_comment' ), '% ' . penci_get_setting( 'penci_trans_comments' ) ); ?></a>

    Repeat these steps when you update this theme to the latest version.



  • rtblogger replied

    I wanted to say thanks. I was able to make the change.  Also, I wanted to point out that changing the code in soledad/content-single.php didn't change anything, however changing the code in soledad/content-single-full.php did. Not sure if this has to do with the fact that we are using the child theme.


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    This is not related to a child theme using. content-single.php & content-single-full.php is a different layout display for a single post. The file content-single.php is a standard single post file. If you're using another single post layout (selected on the customizer settings), you should make a change on this layout file (in your case is content-single-full.php).


  • rtblogger replied

    Thank you. Your fix helped. Please close thread.