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  Public Ticket #2861122


  •  2
    Arturo started the conversation

    I am configuring what will be the main page of my blog and when I enter the widgets area a list appears in red showing that several widgets and blocks have errors and that they will not work well. How can this be corrected? What could be causing this error? Can you help me, please? Thanks.
    I attach a picture.

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Your site has some issues with the WP-JSON, so the new Widget UI can't load properly. Please install the Classic Widgets plugin then try to load the Widgets page again.

    You can find more information about site errors by going to Tools → Site Health.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    Yes, I learned that apparently this problem comes with the latest version of WordPress and I already installed the Classic Widgets plugin and the problem was solved. I really appreciate your attention and help.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    I want to ask for your help in two things:

    • Can I use Big Capital Letter at the beggining of a post? How? (I attached an example).
    • How can I insert a blank space between paragraphs in a post?

    Thanks again for your help!

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    body.single .inner-post-entry.entry-content > p:first-child:first-letter {
      float: left;
      font-size: 6rem;
      line-height: 0.65;
      margin: 0.12em 0.1em 0.2em 0;
    2. You can add a blank space by using the Enter or Shift + Enter

    button. For more documents, please follow this link:


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    I really appreciate your help. I am not a WordPress expert, so that's what I am asking your help. I apologize for this.

    While you help me and I'm discovering the functionalities of the Soledad theme, I like it more and more! I'm glad I bought it. I have high expectations of what I will be able to do, with your help.

    Well, I want to tell you that I am working with the Hipster Demo and my question is if I can change this Demo Theme to dark mode and how I would do this.

    Thank you very much again for your help and understanding.
    Receive a big greeting.


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    You can change this demo to dark mode by going to Appearance → Customize → General → Colors: check Enable Dark Theme.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    Thanks again for your help!

    I want to ask you:

    1. The "Highlight and Share" option was working OK, but I installed the Better Font Awesome plugin and this option stop working. Every time I select the FB and TW sharing, I save the changes and nothing happens. I go back to Appearance → Customize → General → Highlight and Share and nothing is selected. What is causing this?
      I deactivate the plugin and still, the icons don't appear when I select a text in a page. Maybe I can try another similar plugin?
    2. And I have a Form created for the Contact Page but, I choose to enable the Dark Theme so the fields of the form are dark too (as you can see in the image I attached) and I want them in white color. How can I do that without disabling the Dark Theme?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Best Regards.

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Arturo replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The Highlight and Share is an extended plugin you've installed, please go to this plugin settings page and config (Settings → Highlight and Share). This is NOT RELATED to the share on Appearance → Customize → General → Like Posts and Social Share. 

    2. For the Contact form issues, Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    .wpcf7 input,
    .wpcf7 textarea {
        border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) !important;


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    1. You're totally right. My mistake. I'm very sorry to have bothered you with this.
    2. Thanks you for helping me with this.

    Again, I really appreciate your help and patience. You're fantastic and help us a lot to people like me that suddenly get  little lost. Thanks a lot.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    Can you help me, please?

    I want to use the Template Style 2 from Post Templates and instead of using a single image I want to use some images as a Gallery Post  but I don't know how. I choose in Appearance → Customize → Single Post → General → the Single Post Template: Style 2 but when I put the images in Gallery as I read in Documentation Instructions, doesn't work.

    I have the sidebar next to the image gallery and I don't want it that way, I want the gallery to cover the entire width and the sidebar to be below it, just like the text.
    If it is possible that I can do it?

    Thanks again for your help and assistance.

    Best Regards,


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    The Post Template only apply to the Publish post: you can view the example post I've made as published here:


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    I understand. Thank you for your answer, again.

    Now, I have been trying to change the color of the lines that are above and below the share icons are, the likes of the article has and how many comments.  But I can't find the option to change the color of this thin lines. 

    I have already managed to change the border color of the tags, but I can't figure out how to change the color of these lines.

    I give you an example of how those lines look in your Dark Theme and how those thin lines are not visible in my configuration.

    I appreciate your help.


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → General → Colors: change the border colour at Custom General Border Color.


  •  2
    Arturo replied

    Thank you! 

    You're the best!


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    I choose for my homepage 1st Overlay then Grid. My question is, if the first post can have the Gallery Post Image as the Featured Image or can only see the images as a slider when they go to the grid as old posts.

    Thanks in advance.


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    The content overlay only shows the featured image. This layout doesn't support show a gallery slider or custom post format content.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    Thank you for your answer. I understand.

    I want to ask about oAuth Twitter Feed. Finally my Twitter App was approved and I and I was able to access te API Keys and Tokens, but when I receive this message in the widget, in my homepage:

    Missing consumer key - please check your settings in admin > Settings > Twitter Feed Auth

    I wrote all the data exactly as Twitter gave me and is not working. What I'm missing or doing wrong? Can you help me, please?

    Thank you.


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    I've checked your site setting, please fill ALL the Twitter filed then check again. You missing the Nombre en pantalla del feed de Twitter* information.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    Sorry for my mistake. Yes, it's working right now. Thank you so much.

    I want to ask you, 

    1. Now, in my homepage I have 2 recent post. I choose the Home 1st Overlay then Grid template. so, in my first post that now is in the grid, how can i put as a Featured Image an Slider Gallery or a mini video preview as the example I attached? How can have the symbols for link or quote in the featured image in the Homepage? 
    2. Later, I want to choose to change the Homepage template, when I have more posts in the blog. Can the styles that I want to have in the featured images be preserved, such as on your demo page of the Soledad Hipster template?
    3. I would like to have different styles in each individual post that I create, choosing different Post Template Styles, particularly post template styles 1, 2, 8, 9, but when I try to change the post template style in Appearance → Single Post → General → Single Post Template, I choose a different template and nothing happens, nothing change in the preview.
    4. I tried to change the change the template for others for the new post that I have and I can't. Only when I uncheck the Hide Featured Image on Top option the Featured Image appears in the top of the post but with all the width and I want it boxed, as in your demo when I choose Post Template Style 2. Maybe if I write the post in Elementor and not in the Classic Editor. Or maybe I can create a single templates posts from a scratch in Elementor or in the Classic Editor, with different Post Template Style each.

    I hope you can solve my doubts because you would help me a lot.

    I really appreciate all your help and support.

    Best Regards,

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    1. As I've written in a previous reply, the overlay layout doesn't support show custom post format content (slider, video, ..). For the post format icon, please go to Appearance → Customize → Post Layout → Other Layouts, uncheck Hide Icon Post Format.

    2. Yes. All the featured images will display properly as the demo site.

    3. You can select the custom style for each post by scroll down the post editor to the Options for this post/page, change the default style at Select Single Style for This Post?


    4. Some settings on Customizer only applying when you Published the post. You should disable the cache plugin while customizing the site style.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    Thank you for your answers.

    I'm going to try everything that you're telling me. 

    Thank you for your help and advice.

    Best Regards.

  •  2
    Arturo replied


    Can you help me, please?

    How can I add more space between the categories and the image in the main post from the homepage? Because as you can see in the image I attached the text category is too close to the image. I don't know if I can do this in Customize or modifying the homepage in Elementor.

    Thank you.

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    .penci-wrapper-data .standard-post-image:not(.classic-post-image) {
        margin-bottom: 26px !important;


  •  2
    Arturo replied

    Thank a lot for this! Works great.

    But, I need your help with other issue. I follow your instructions to personalize a single post with an specific template, and I don't have the desired result. I want a single post with the Template Style 2 (as the image I attached), but when I change the options, nothing happens ( I attached an image, too).

    I understand that I can't have a big image slider carousel on the top of the single post with the Template Style 2 , so I just want to put a single image as the template 2 shows in your demo.

    I don't want to go to Appearance → Single Post → General → Single Post Template and uncheck the Hide Featured Image on Top option, because the Featured Image appears in all the posts and I don't want that.

    I disabled the cache plugin (LiteSpeed cache) while I customize the post style. I published the post privately. And I don't have the results I want. 

    What I'm doin' wrong? What I'm missing? Can I have posts with different styles/template each? 
    Can you help me with this, please?

    Thanks in advance.

  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   Arturo replied privately
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    1. The best solution for your request is to save a standard post as a Draft post, then duplicate it when you want to create a post with similar settings. You can install this plugin here:

    2. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → Related Posts, scroll down, and find all options at Related Posts Popup.


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    I appreciate your answer and help. I will follow your advice.

    Thanks a lot!


  •  2
    Arturo replied


    I want to ask you if there's a way to put in a post a DropDown Text Box like in the image I attached.

    Thank you!


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    You can install the WordPress Form plugin then insert this element into your post. Example: Ninja Forms Contact:
