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  Public Ticket #2872528
Child categories not showing in the parent archive page


  • EprjWeb started the conversation

    Good morning,

    We have some issues with the Archive page of posts on our website (currently under maintenance mode).

    In the parent category pages all the categories are displaying in the "filter/navigation" bar, and not just the subcategories referred to the main one.

    How can we fix it?

    Thank you 

    // Explanation of the screenshot:

    • red -> the right subcategory of the parent category "sai perché"
    • green -> a different category without children
    • dark blue -> a different parent category with his pale blue children
  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    Maybe you don't understand how does it work. This area list all the categories you've selected for the current post item, not for the current category.


  • EprjWeb replied

    Ok, it can be closed