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  Public Ticket #2875243
h1, h2... tags in the posts / pages


  •  1
    vaninasimon started the conversation

    Hi Penci,

    I used the Web Developer Chrome extension to check if all of my posts had a h1, h2, h3... 

    There is something I don't understand.

    - In my homepage there's not any h1 (image attached "HP hn tags"). And the h2 arrives after the h3. Why ?

    - In my posts it's all ok and in order in the beginning (h1, h2, h3...) but at the end of the post the name of the author, the posts with the same topic, the comments, follow me on Instagram... are in h3 & h4 (image attached "post structure hn tags").
    Why there is a <h> tag on these elements ?


  •  2,749
    PenciDesign replied


    For the H1 on the homepage, please go to Appearance → Customize → Homepage → General → Add More <H1> Tag for Homepage.
