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  Public Ticket #2875593
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  • david started the conversation

    damn that box. can't find where i can delete that damn box dear. 

    jesus please! 

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Widgets, remove all widgets at Header Signup Form & Footer Signup Form.


  • david replied

    thanks  brother.

    i got more wishes please don't just go away.

  • david replied

    1. impossible to know how to set up the ad on the right top. 

    2. impossible to find out with my eyes how to set up a feathered slider by categories. 

    3. impossible to know how to delete that damn "subscribe and we will mail you nigga" part. 

    4. i want to write some shit on the foot next to the logo. and want logo be on the left. company info in the middle of foot, then contacts and other policy on the right. is there any tutorials for this?

    please help.