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  Public Ticket #2876745
how do i set the homepage look and feel as per the demo


  • khphoon started the conversation

    Hi Support,

    sorry if i may ask, i would like to know how i can set back the homepage as per the demo like where block of posts on the homepage is being show..  what are the setting for this demo? appreciate

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    The Soledad Video was built with the Customizer settings, so please go to Appearance → Import Demo Data, find and import the Video Demo Style only:


    Then go to Appearance → Customize → Homepage: you can customize all the home page block content here.


  • khphoon replied

    thank you support.. i would like to have this demo
    but in the import section doesn't found this demo. may kindly please advice

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    The Soledad Magazine demo content locates here:



  • khphoon replied

    thank you very much support.

    i have successfully import the demo, but its look different from the demo that showed (header part). but nevermind..

    another question, since the post (homepage) is customise, may i know where is the customise code that need to edit please? say for example categories "travel" as per the screenshot attached. once i rename it to something else, the categories will no longer show on the homepage. I would like to remain the demo design but with the post categories name accordingly.. may kindly please advice.. thank  you

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    The element on your screenshot is a Featured Category. Please go to Appearance → Customize → Featured Categories. You can edit the categories list in the List Featured Categories field.


  • khphoon replied

    thank you very much, case resolved.. many thanks