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  Public Ticket #2883436
a few adustments


  • Karin Graf-Kaplaner started the conversation

    Dear Penci-Team!

    I am in the middle of the relaunch of my magazine and I have a few points I can not fix on my own. I´m looking forward to your help. Thanks a lot!
    1. Hide Instagram: I want to hide the Instagram in the footer on a) Mobil Screens and b) on specific pages. How is that possible?

    2. Top Bar: I want to hide the Top Bar on Mobile Screens: How is that possible?

    3. 2 Problems with articles which are audio articles. 

    a) When I paste the link of the audio in the requested field above the article, the audio-sign appears and the audio can be played in the featured image. The problem is, I have payed content, so there is a paywall after about 1 paragraph. In this articles I don´t want to paste the whole audio in the featured image, because then you can hear it without subscribtion. Is there any code I can write in the audio field to make the audio sign appear without pasting the whole audio-code in there?

    b) The "note-sign" is not always on the right corner of the article in a few views like here: (3rd article) it is in the middle. How can I fix it, that it is always in the right corner?

    4. Icon in Menue not shown in Burger-Menue

    In the main menue I have two Icons one for podcast, one for subscribiton. The problem is: They do not appear in the Burger oder Mobile Menue. How can I fix this? Best case: I can write text instead of Icons für the mobile + burger menue. 

    I´m looking forward to your help. Thanks a lot!

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    1. You can hide the Footer Instagram on mobile by adding this CSS to Appearance → Customize → Addition CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .footer-instagram {
            display: none;

    If you want to hide on the specified page, please use this CSS code: .footer-instagram {
        display: none;

    Change 1 by the page ID, you can find the page ID by reading the tutorial here:

    2. Add this CSS code to hidden the top bar on the mobile:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        .penci-topbar {
            display: none;
    3.1 There are many ways to insert & protect audio files on your site, please read the detailed document here:

    3.2 Please add this CSS to move the icon to the top right:

    .icon-post-format {
        top: 30px;
        left: auto;
        right: 10px;
    4. Please add the icon to your menu. I'll check and send you a custom CSS code.


  • kkaplane replied

    Thanks a lot!!

    Menu with Icon is activated. 

    I think there was a missunderstanding about the audio question. I want the audio sign appear without a full code of the audio in the field. Is there any other way to let the audio sign appear when I don´t put in the full code (because then payed content can be listened without paying in the featured image).

    best Karin

  •  2,744
    PenciDesign replied


    Because your requirement needs to customize some theme files, so please send me your site login credential in a PRIVATE reply. I'll log in and help you modify the audio sign.


  • kkaplane replied

    Thanks a lot but I have fixed it ;)