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  Public Ticket #2886567
mega menu pictures


  • Jared0323 started the conversation

    Hello, I am having a problem with the mega menu now. The photos under the mega menu seem to consist of posts, but I can't find a way to edit the photos. and when I change the photos, it's not shown on the main page.
    Also, I would like to know how can i show new on the main page.
  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    All the images display on Mega Menu and another theme position is a featured image of the post.

    You can change the featured image by going to the editor post screen, edit/replace/upload the featured image on the Featured Image section as the screen below:


    For more information, please read the document here:


  • Jared0323 replied

    Thank you so much for your quick response. It really helpful for me!