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  Public Ticket #2891259
Menu Doesn't show on mobile


  •  1
    Heroes04 started the conversation

    Hey, i installed the theme in my website and the menu was working on mobile fine, but last hour doesn't wanna show anymore! please check and hit me back

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I checked, you're using WP Rocket & Penci Speed Optimizer plugin to speed up your website speed.

    So, please make sure you do correct settings for WP Rocket as we said here

    When you have done, clear all the cache from WP Rocket and check it again.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    Heroes04 replied

    It's Working, i disable all option and i enable the only option as you said in the article. 

    thank you so much!

  • Michaelgimm replied

    I have the same issue on

    I just upgraded the Soledad theme and implemented the new settings for the critical CSS. I use it together with WPFC and Cloudflare.
    Before the upgrade, I implemented critical CSS setup as you told in the documentation.

    Before the upgrade, I had 100/100 in GTMetrix and 95/100 in Google page speed. Now it has dropped to 75/95 and 85/98.

    I also have issues with the menu not loading correctly. Especially on mobile. 

    Another page I have: shows a map. And this map also has a problem with loading.

    Is this normal to expect with the changes you made, moving the functionality from the windows software to the theme and plugins?

    Kind regards


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Michaelgimm,

    Please create a new PRIVATE ticket with the WordPress admin account. I'll check and help you config your site.


  • Michaelgimm replied

    Hi PenciDesign,

    I cant create a private ticket since my support has expired. However, I feel it's a bit unfair, that I have to pay for a full support period, because of an update you made to your theme. As I said, it was working flawlessly before.

    Can I contact you in another way, or do you insist on me paying for support, to fix the update you have made?

    I attached an image from GTMetrix I made before upgrading my A2hosting from their starter to their Turbo package. After upgrading this was 100/100, but I don't have a screenshot of that. But this way you can see that what I am saying is true.

    Kind regards


  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Michaelgimm,

    If your support has expired, you can contact us via email by filling out all information in this form:


  • Michaelgimm replied

    Thank you. I sent you an email now.

    Kind regards