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  Public Ticket #2893432
Facebook Chat Plugin can't display well with Soledad theme


  • coalgrid started the conversation

    I have installed facebook chat plugin to provide instant customer service. I have found out that the FB contact window can display fine on the cellphone. While using the computer, the FB contact window can't display completely on the website. Around 10% of the website (right-hand side) will be blocked so the customer can't see all information. I have tried to view the website by using different browser(google chrome and Safari) and different operating system(iOS and Windows). The issue remained. You can also refer the attached  photo.

    Before submitting the ticket here, I have debug with Bluehost. We have found out that the problem might be the conflict between Soledad theme and Facebook chat plugin. Since after resetting the theme, the FB chat plugin runs fine. 

    Could you kindly check this conflicting issue and let me know how to solve this issue? Thank you!

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Please go to Appearance → Customize → Custom CSS then add the following custom CSS code:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1170px) {
        .footer-widget-wrapper .fb_iframe_widget,
        .footer-widget-wrapper .fb_iframe_widget span,
        .footer-widget-wrapper .fb_iframe_widget span iframe[style] {
            width: 400px !important;


  • coalgrid replied

    BIG Thanks!!
    Problem solved : )
    Hope this also helps other people faced the same issue.