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  Public Ticket #2899253
Post template twice in the Dashboard


  • freshde started the conversation

    Hello support,
    I'm seeing that there is two post template navigation in the wp dashboard. But I'm not sure about what is the differences between them. Can you please help me out to inform me about those details?
    One more thing, how I can create post template by using those two and how to use any post template shown in the documentation?
    I hope you'll help me about this matter in detail.
    Thanks and regards.

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    Soledad theme doesn't include the Post Template feature. So please check the plugin you've installed.


  • freshde replied

    It's right there in the demo, Post templates.

    1. How do we use those?
    2. How do we create our own?
    3. How do we select which one to use for our posts?
  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    1. You can change the post template for all single posts by going to Appearance → Customize → Single Posts → General: select template at Single Posts Template.

    2. You can't create your own template,

    3. For the single post, please select the template at Options for this Post/Page section.



  • freshde replied

    Hey Team,
    Need some help regarding the single post template!
    I'm attaching a screenshot below. Can you please help me in a real quick.
    Thanks and regards.

  • freshde replied

    Some other screenshots are attaching here. Please try to make your replies more easier.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ For hide the post like, please check the option for it via Customize > General > Like Posts & Social Sharing > and  check to "Hide Like Post"

    2/ For social sharing icons, before you want to do that, have you tried with other sharing styles? You can check option for it via Customize > Single Posts > General > Share Box Style > select "Style 2" or "Style 3"

    If it doesn't fit with your requirements, you can select it back to the "Style 1" and add more of this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .post-share a {
        width: 36px;
        height: 36px;
        line-height: 34px;
        border: 1px solid var(--pcborder-cl);
        border-radius: 50%;

    And note important:

    Please remove this custom CSS code because it makes all the icons stopped to display:

    body * { font-family: 'HCo Whitney SSm' !important; }

    If you want to use custom fonts, please upload it via Dashboard > Soledad > Custom Font > and set a name for your font.

    After that, go to Customize > General > Typography > on "Font for Heading Titles" and "Font for Body Text" > select the font name you've set above.

    3/ Unfortunately, at this moment, the related posts don't support list layout style.. We will consider adding this feature in future updates.

    4/ For the ads, the theme doesn't support the ads below the social share. But, you can put the ads above the social share via Customize > Single Posts > General > Add Google Adsense/Custom HTML code at the end of content posts

    Best Regards,


  • freshde replied

    Hello Team,
    Thanks for your help.
    Unfortunately I don't have the option you wrote in your previous reply. I'm attaching a screenshot for you given below. Please check and let me know how to hide the post like.

    Also I want to show sub-header text of 20 after the main title of the article. Can you please help me with this? I'm also attaching screenshot for you about this.
    Thanks and eagerly waiting for your quick replies.

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    1. Please try to check again by going to Appearance → Customize → General  → Like Posts & Social Sharing


    2. You can add the sub-title of the single post by filling your custom content to the Add subtitle field on the right side at the Post editor screen:



  • freshde replied

    Please check the screenshot attached below. I'm seeing only this in the customize for single post.
    I don't know why? please help

  •  2,735
    PenciDesign replied


    1. I've logged in to your site. This option display properly on the Customize settings:


    2. Please consider deactivate all the plugin come with other themes.
