This issue is caused by you're using the Elementor Footer Builder and it replaces with the Footer template from our theme and makes it doesn't work.
Please disable your Footer Builder and clear all the cache then check it again.
In the near future ( maybe next 1->2 weeks, we will release our Header & Footer Builder, and you can use Header & Footer builder from our theme to build your own Header & Footer as you want ) - at this moment, please keep using the footer from the theme.
Dear Team,
i have changed to soledad and the mobile menu is shown but not working.
Interessting fact -> Also when i activate HAMBURGER Menu, on desktop i see the menu bar - but its not opening the menu as well.
WP Rockets settings are settled as written in your Guide.
Any other hints what can be responsible for that issue?
Everything is updated to newest ...
King Regards
This issue is caused by you're using the Elementor Footer Builder and it replaces with the Footer template from our theme and makes it doesn't work.
Please disable your Footer Builder and clear all the cache then check it again.
In the near future ( maybe next 1->2 weeks, we will release our Header & Footer Builder, and you can use Header & Footer builder from our theme to build your own Header & Footer as you want
) - at this moment, please keep using the footer from the theme.
Best Regards,
Guys - thank you a lot for the fast reply. Problem solved after deleting the footer from Elementor.
TOP :)