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  Public Ticket #2911037
Featured Images Not Showing on Home Page


  • thevacationbuilder started the conversation

    Featured images were not showing on featured posts slider. Turned slider off. Now featured images not showing on "Popular Posts" which i have changed to "Dubai" category. All other images on site show fine.

    Also when clicking hamburger menu nothing pops up. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you have a plugin that caused this problem. Because I see your site has some javascript errors.

    Please try to deactivate all plugins ( except plugins that come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what plugin caused this issue.  

    Best Regards,


  • thevacationbuilder replied

    Hi. The plug-ins were not the issue. It’ was Ezoic Optimization, my ad agency. One more thing please. The links on my site are clickable on Mobile, but not Desktop. Do you know what piece of code is blocking this? Thank you