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  Public Ticket #2916955
Post excerpt duplicated after theme update


  • jordi_ceballos started the conversation

    I have just updated the Soledad theme, and now the post excerpt for every post in the main page appears twice.

    I suppose this is a bug. While you solve it, could you please tell me how to revert to the previous version of Soledad theme?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've fixed it, please re-update the theme and the problem will be solved.

    To re-update the theme, please edit the code like on this image - after that, go to Appearance > Themes > and click the update now button to re-update the theme. And the problem should fixed now.

    Best Regards,


  • jordi_ceballos replied

    Thanks, it is solved!   :)

    Best regards

  •  3
    Vy replied

    Hey @PenciDesign,

    Can you upload pictures to another server, I can't see any images from, even though I tried VPN, tried another browser. Thanks!


    I also had the same problem as @jordi_ceballos.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Vy,

    I paste again the image below and you can see it:


    Best Regards,
