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  Public Ticket #2919931
Topbar and Main Top Menu Missing and Excluded from New Pages


  • FWD2016 started the conversation

    This just happened with the new update of SoleDad version 8.0.4

    Any new page created, the topbar and the top main menu are completely missing.

    When I check in the browser inspector, all DIV sections that are suppose to be there for the topbar and top main menu are gone, never entered into the new page. 

    This issue exists in both Desktop view and in mobile view, the topbar and menu are missing.

    The pages that were already created before this recent update, continue to work properly showing the topbar and menu.

    ---except 1 page that was previously created, is also missing topbar and main menu. 

    This is the URL of that one page with the problem (beach page):

    I have checked the plugins, and they are not the cause of this problem.
    I have checked using other browsers, the problem exists in all browsers.
    I have checked the specific page settings for the "beach page", and nothing there is causing the problem.

    I just realized the footer is all gone as well on new pages and that specific page (link above). 

    So now the entire header and footer are missing.

    This seems to be the cause of some bug or problem with the recent update. If you can please tell me which PHP files are needed to insert the topbar and menu into the new pages, I can replace those specific files with copies from a previous update package (I kept backups of previous updates) and I can see if those files are the cause to the issue.

    ...unless you have the answer - resolution to this?

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Please re-update the theme and the problem will be solved.

    To re-update the theme, please edit the code like on this image - after that, go to Appearance > Themes > and click the update now button to re-update the theme. And the problem should be fixed now.

    Best Regards,


  • FWD2016 replied

    Appreicate for your help. 

    The re-updating fixed it. 

    I guess it was the "update WordPress gremlins" working their mischief again. :/


  • muhannadaljoaid replied

    hi i changed to 8.0.0 but still not working 

  • FWD2016 replied


    Did you reinstall the version 8.0.4 update yet?

    The changing of the version number in the style.css file was to trigger WordPress to mark the theme for updating to v8.0.4, then use the regular WordPress update button in the Admin area to update again. 

  •  2,748
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you so much @FWD2016.

    @muhannadaljoaid after changing the version number, please go to the Appearance > Themes > and click the update now button to re-update the theme.


  • muhannadaljoaid replied

    thanks working now